A review by whogivesabook
I Follow You by Peter James


I really enjoyed this one. Nothing groundbreaking. It's the story of an obsessive Dr called Marcus Valentine. He's got an obsessive personality. He can be quite controlling. The plot is pretty clippy. It rolls along easily. He meets a new person to be obsessed with.

It highlights the potential issues of sharing something as innocuous as your latest exercise routine. Especially when it's a GPS route of your run from out of your door, around a park and back to your house again. I mean, it's a stalker's wet dream.

What I particularly liked about this novel was how rounded the character of Marcus was. Little comments he made would absolutely turn your stomach. Every time he posed as charismatic, it was just the right amount of unsettling. Not enough that you felt like the other characters were idiots for not realising. But just that slight... Offness that I think is a credit to the writer.

Speaking as a writer, there's a fair few things I'd have employed to kick it up a notch. It did seem like the pace was good until halfway and then it just seemed to speed up a little too much. I always find these books are way too eager to get to the end. Maybe it's a failure in the process of writing. The author is very prolific. Might do them well to write it out and then put it aside for a period of time to settle a bit.