A review by hugbandit7
Secrets and Scallywags by Elizabeth Pantley, Elizabeth Pantley


This is such a fun series, and if you haven't picked up any of the books, you need to do that, and soon! Make sure to start with the first book to understand how this all came to be for Glo and Paige.

The concept for this cozy series is unique and brings in paranormal aspects. I love how they get thrown into a book and have to solve the crime. The characters are all unique and blend well together. I have to laugh at how much these characters also love to eat. I swear they are eating all of the time!

This plot is a little different than some of the others as it brings in pirates, and the crime isn't really a murder that they are trying to solve. I enjoyed the twists and turns and how this story came to its conclusion. I thought that one of the characters might stay behind in the book, and I was surprised when this one did not. You might come to the same conclusions, so I hope I haven't spoiled anything for the reader.

One of these days, Frank and Zell are going to spill the beans on how long this book club has been meeting and how long they have been participants. I am very curious what their background is with this book club. I also like how the right new member always appears. It is definitely a merry band of book lovers and crime solvers.

We give this book 5 paws up.