A review by lucyp747d4
The Captive by Deborah O'Connor


I’d like to thank Bonnier Book UK/Zaffre and NetGalley for approving me for an ARC of this book.

The whole concept of this book was deeply disturbing but wonderfully original. Can you imagine living with someone who had hurt you or a member of your family? If that was the only way to see them punished would you still press charges? I think Hannah was very brave to bring Jem into her house. I can understand why but at the same time I don’t know if I could of done it.

From the beginning this book grabbed my attention and the more I read the more I knew not everything was as it seemed. The alternating chapters between Hannah and Jem gave the book more pace and I really enjoyed learning about Jem’s childhood. I felt that his story represented so many and the author portrayed his upbringing in an honest and relatable way. The more I got to know Jem the more I liked him and understood his actions, I knew he was telling the truth but I also liked the air of mystery surrounding him. Many times I questioned what his involvement could be and really hoped he wasn’t going to go down in my estimation.

I felt that Hannah was very naïve, even I had worked out with the first few chapters why her best friend, Aisling, was avoiding her! As the book went on I warmed to her more and actually admired her determination and kindness. She had a good nature about her and I started to see why she hadn’t seen the signs earlier, she genuinely believed in the goodness of everyone. I loved the chapters that included her baking, the designs sounded sublime and had my taste buds tinging!

This was a thriller that delivered on all accounts. The writing was easy to follow and whilst I had guessed some of the revelations, the final chapters were packed with drama and tension!