A review by daffz
Fever by Lauren DeStefano


I liked large parts of this book, but there were a few things that stood out to me as interesting and I thought would play a bigger role later in the story that all just seemed to fall away. Most of my reasons for being disappointed with this book are spoilery for the ending, so I'll put it in a spoiler tag.
Spoiler At the end Rhine is back where she started, in the hands of the same people in the same position except even worse. It makes the entire book feel like it was just a bit of a waste of time. Even the interesting things and characters she meets along the way don't seem to matter because at the end she isn't anywhere near any of them.

Rhine also spends the entire book looking for her brother and then randomly finds him on the last page by watching tv and seeing him on there. I know there's a very small chance the two of them would just run into eachother on the street, but are the odds of her happening to see him on tv any bigger? I don't think so.

This book is just confusing to me. Unless the author brings back seemingly dropped plot points from this book in the sequel, I'm not sure what the point of 70% of what happened even is. It's not like anything made Rhine grow as a character either, it's all just filler until she's taken back.

I'm disappointed because I really liked the book up until the end. I even liked it more than Wither at first. I'm still invested in the story and I will read the third one because I have some hope that the strange set up in this book might make more sense after reading it. We will see.