A review by ipross
Rockin' Rhythm by Bella Jeanisse


If there is one thing that is always pretty much a given in rockstar romances it is that certain things can be counted on to be true. Rockstars are always hot. They are always troubled in some way, shape, or form. And they are essentially man whores who will sleep with anything with a pair of boobs. It is not often however that I come across a rockstar romance in which said rockstar actively wants to settle down. So this was a bit different for me. Don't worry, it was different in a good way.

I found the hero, Ash, so endearing that at times it was easy to forget he was supposed to be this bad boy rocker who has his fair share of “kitty” on the road. Trying to reconcile that with the guy who spends all his free time at a center for underprivileged youth that his own band funds, was mind boggling. Michelle on the other hand had me rolling my eyes and wishing someone jump started this chick. Possibly with a hot poker or a car battery. Maybe there was an “on” button we all missed. All I know is that her hot and cold routine had me fed up ¼ of the way though the book. I know she's been hurt in the past, but come on... how old is this chick? She's so frigid an ice box would be a sauna in comparison. However, I soldiered on because of Ash and the rest of the band. They were so worth it. Damaged, but trying so hard to make things work and keep their little family together... they are my kind of book heroes.

I didn't dislike this book. I didn't love it. What I am, is somewhere in the middle. I am intrigued about the rest of the series and the other guys. So I would say even though I disliked the heroine, I enjoyed reading this book and look forward to the other books in the series.