A review by kittyg
The Sons of Thestian by M.E. Vaughan


* I was sent this for free from the author in exchange for a review *

This is the first book in a new YA series of fantasy books. I sometimes have reservations about authors asking me to read their work (especially when they are nice) as I want to like it, but self-publishing can be hard and sometimes grammar issues or plot problems can ruin a great book. I am very happy to say that was not the case with this book and I did really enjoy getting to explore the world that M.E. Vaughan has created.

In this story we follow two young men: Prince Jionathan and Mage Rufus Merle. The two have known each other for nearly all their lives, and they used to be good friends before rules and obligation divided the two. When we pick up their tales it becomes clear that the young Prince is struggling with demons and worries, and he needs to escape the Palace becuase he fears for his life from his father's new wife.

Jionathan flees and Rufus follows. Once they are away from the Palace their once-friendship rekindles, and they find themselves sucked into a journey neither could have predicted. They meet fey and old kin, creepy evil people practising nefarious deeds, and even find themselves in mortal peril (quite a few times!)

I think this book felt like a great romp for a fantasy to me. It started off a bit predictably, but then the story took a turn from where I anticipated it going and things became a lot more exiting and action-packed quite quickly. I found the second half of the story completely enthralling in fact and whizzed through reading it...AND THAT ENDING...

Overall a great story and one I really had fun sinking my teeth into. It's only the start of what promises to become quite an epic series, and I am very much looking forward to seeing where the second one goes now I have read the end of the first. 3.5*s from me :)