A review by yukiscribbles
Self-Portrait with Ghost by Meng Jin


First, thank you for sending me the Advance Reader's Edition, it was a read I'll not forget for a while! I've always said that a good book is the kind that when you leave it, you think of the characters later and their stories, what would become of them if the story was still going on today. This book hit that mark. Some themes in it are things that you'll need to know about the culture to understand, other things are just purely human. This book had charm and trauma both wrapped in a little purple bow, announced to the world with a voice that can reach very far. Far it did.

If you're easily triggered by darker topics such as mental health, harm to self/others mentally and physically, I'd say pace yourself with this book. It is so, so worth the read. It asks the ugly questions people don't even like asking themselves and shows wounds to the world that are crying to be seen. This book demands attention. I predict it's going to be one of those books that divide the reading community down the middle on love or hate it. That's SO good for a book like this to do, because that means people are talking about it. They're addressing situations, stigmas, racism and the dark parts of mental health we tend to ignore.

No one tells you that healing opens wounds so they will heal right the next time, sometimes healing is ugly. No one tells you exactly what growing pains are. This book holds no punches. It's a needed book. I can't wait to see the conversations sparked by it.