A review by outcolder
Heroes are my weakness by Susan Elizabeth Phillips


Just like how Katy Perry felt after she kissed a girl, I have read a Romance novel and I liked it. This genre is like bubble baths and chocolate bars and what the hell is wrong with that? Can't a guy take a bubble bath and eat a chocolate bar or does it always have to be cold showers and barbecue?

Romance is this genre about women trying out new stuff, overcoming their fears and, yeah, getting the guy. So when people hate on it, it's like, wait, you don't like stories about women winning?

It took me a while to get Susan Elizabeth Phillips' sense of humor. She has a broad range that mainly hangs around situational comedy but sometimes dips to pure slapstick and other times is more of a wink, wink, nudge, nudge inside joke, at least in this book which has a lot of allusions to gothic romance, especially the Brontes, sorry, I can't be bothered to get the umlaut on that e there. By about half way through the book though, some of the jokes had me laughing out loud.

I know. Real life isn't all happy endings. But it isn't all sad ones, either. And I know, in real life a woman is often happier without getting the guy or as a bumper sticker from my youth proclaimed, "a woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle." I know all that. But if two people in a story belong together, and you want them to get together, and then for a brief moment just before the end you are like, "wait a minute, is she gonna blow all the conventions and leave them apart at the end? That would suck." So that when they do get together, and all the other people in the story are also feeling better about themselves, it is pretty satisfying, man. It can make you feel good.

So maybe some people don't like feeling good. OK. Not everyone has to read a romance novel. But I did. And I liked it.