A review by fictionophile
Hello From the Gillespies by Monica McInerney


I began reading this novel the first week of December when I should have been writing my own Christmas letters. I have to give credit to Monica McInerney for holding my interest because I have never taken so long to read a novel. First it was Christmas letters, then Christmas cards, the usual festive socializing, decorating, baking, shopping and wrapping that comes with the Christmas season. But… whenever I had a spare moment, I would pick up this novel and read.

The Gillespie family were an endearing lot. They faced many challenges and troubles but their love for each other was such that nothing could destroy their closeness. Sometimes the lack of communication was like a comedy of errors, but still I read on…. Angela was a matriarch in the truest sense. She was the stalwart head of the family around which the others revolved. An unfortunate circumstance led to Angela being separated from her family and a great deal of the novel centered upon how the family coped and grew during her absence from them.

For my complete review see: https://fictionophile.wordpress.com/