A review by amberreadsromance28
Execution by Lucia Franco


5/25/2023 - Increased my rating to 4.5 Stars.

Rereading by listening to the audiobook for Off Balance Audio Tour. Thank you to Forever and Always PR for providing the audiobooks.

This time around, I was more enjoyable since I fell in love with Kova in the last few books. I was super frustrated with Kova and Ria the first time I read this book. Now I'm all in on them, even though Ria can make me so mad with her decision-making.

I was so excited to listen to the audiobook s for this series. However, I was very bummed that there was not a male narrator because i was dying to hear a sexy Kova accent. I get why they had a female narrator since this book is all from Ria's POV. I really enjoyed the narration, and I think the narrator did a decent job doing Kova's Russian accent.

I love how supportive Kova is with her gymnastics and how deeply he believes in Ria. I love Kova even though this book ends with Kova screwing up. I believe in his devotion after previously reading the series. I could enjoy it more this time since I understand Kova's decisions.

"We are a team—I exhale, you inhale. We fight together. We work together. It is an amazing feeling when you find someone who shares the same passion as you. The possibilities are endless. I am the beast beneath your beauty, pushing you. From here on out, we do it together. You come to me for anything and I will do everything in my power to make it happen."

Original Review:

Finally reading this for the Off Balance read along. This book was an insane roller coaster. I have so many moments that made me rage in this book. Putting together a vlog as I read this story, so you will be able to see all the rants once this read along is over.

Kova pissed me off for most of this book, but so did Ria.

My biggest pet peeve is that they keep having unprotected sex. It drives me insane!!!! They are so stupid, either wrap it up or get on birth control.

I love all the gymnastics and the meets. I actually started to appreciate Kova with how supportive and gentle he was with Ria at these competitions.

So many secrets and bombs dropped at the end of this book. Especially with the cliffhanger.

Spoiler vlog: