A review by anabelsbrother
Best Man with Benefits by Samanthe Beck


Aha! The youngest McCade brother gets his story, finally.

So the book starts with Logan seeing the perfect view at the resort's concierge desk and he's like

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but then when he approaches the desk, he's shocked to find his best friend's little sister...who's not quite so little anymore.

Sophie Brooks is just so painfully shy it's kind of adorable to watch and well, painful too. It's fun seeing her open up with Logan's help

and thank god we're spared the whole "ugh i want you but you're my best friend's little sister we can't do this *make out* *bangs* i'm sorry this is a mistake" drama that usually comes with this kind of stories. Logan's basically like, "well we're attracted to each other and we're consenting adults so why the hell not let's do this" and it's kind of refreshing.

What else is there to say?

Hmmmmm I'm regretting my decision to read all the books in one night because WHAT DO I DO NOW

Reread: December 2019

This is still cute and also hella sexy.