A review by sionna
Giant Days by Non Pratt, Boom! Studios


*I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

2.5 stars

I'm so BUMMED!

I absolutely adore the graphic novel series this book is based off of, but just couldn't get into this. The book reads much like how the comic is... which I just don't think worked. I don't like POV switches mid-chapter without warning or division (might have just been the ARC or e-book copy but it was one paragraph about Susan then switched to Esther, then after 2 paragraphs to Daisy-- repeat and there was nothing to show clear division of change).

I also thought things were going too quickly and we could have slowed down to enjoy some of it more. The scenes don't always feel connected, but rather are just segments featured out of their lives, which I think works better for the comics.

Also, there is some overlap with the comics. Some things that happen in the comics are written out here and other things are talked about which happened in the comics, but you wouldn't know that if you hadn't read the comics. So, I wish they would have picked if this was a companion or not.

I did laugh a few times, I smiled at a few scenes, and my heart warmed when I recognized scenes or knew exactly what the characters would look like or would be doing because I'd read some of the comics. And while I mention that things go by quickly or feel more like featured segments, there is an overarching theme and a connecting thread, so that felt like it brought the story together more.

So, super bummed about how I just wasn't interested in this... maybe I hyped it too much??? At this point, I think I'd recommend the graphic novels over reading the book, but fans might enjoy this and have fun with reading about these characters in a different format.