A review by readingwithmygoldens
The Last Book Party by Karen Dukess


3 stars to this great summer read!

The Last Book Party is the perfect summer read. It doesn't take itself too seriously, yet there is enough substance to keep the pages turning. It's characterized as "coming of age", which I am unsure about, but it definitely deals with a young, twenty something woman who works in the publishing industry, trying to find a direction. It's debatable if she ultimately reaches one, but I think that's open to interpretation.

Book lovers will really appreciate the behind the scenes look of the publishing industry and all the bookish references. I think another positive aspect is that this book took place in the late 80's, but it really could be relatable to any time period. Yes, there is an absence of social media and cell phones, but that can be easily overlooked. If you're looking for a lot of action or something big to happen, this isn't the story for you, but for the length (this clocks in at a little over 200 pages, it's paced perfectly and keeps your interest just fine). If you just read a very heavy book and you feel stuck in a book coma, I would highly suggest picking this up! The writing is good and overall, this is a great debut.

Thank you to Netgalley, Henry Holt & Co., and Karen Dukess for the opportunity to read and provide an honest review of this book!

Review Date: 6/29/19
Publication Date: 7/9/19