A review by michalice
100 Days of April-May by Edyth Bulbring


I enjoyed previous book, A Month With April-May.  When I saw 100 Days of April-May was being released I knew I had to read it, when it arrived I couldn't wait to make a start on this book.  April-May is in her second year of school, but without her friend Melly. Instead she now has a desk mate in the form of Ericca Ntona, aka Fatty.  This new arrangement quickly gets off to a bad start when he gets April-May into trouble, causing her to get detention.  From that moment on April-May is determined to avoid Errica.

While April-May is slightly more chilled out in 100 Days of April-May, note slightly more chilled, she still manages to get into some mischief.  One of the main causes of this is Errica, who can't help but bring April-May into his problems, accidental or not.  Another problem is Alistair, a dog that was re-homed to April-May's house while his owner moves, but when he is sent back to live with the caretaker some problems arise, and April-May, along with a few other suspects, take it into their own hands to rescue Alistair.

I don't want to say too much about this book as you need to read it yourself what mischief April-May gets up to.  Nothing runs smoothly for this small family, and it always ensures you are laughing at something going wrong.  100 Days of April-May was a quick read that I enjoyed just as much as book A Month with April-May.  There are some words that aren't used here, and are native slang words for April-May, but it was easy to pick up what they meant.

100 Days of April-May was an easy book to fall into, and I read it in one sitting over a couple of hours.  Edyth has a way of making the characters instantly likeable and believable and I would not hesitate to take another adventure with April-May.