A review by kribu
Doctor Who: City of Death by James Goss


This is a pretty tricky book to rate, really.

On the one hand it's .. well, it's a novelisation, and a very good one - of a story what is widely considered to be one of Doctor Who's all time best (and is certainly among my own favourites). One that expands a bit on the televised story, especially in character backgrounds; that blends the scripts and the actual televised bits nicely, and has a decent amount of humour in it.

On the other hand ... well, good as it is, it's a novelisation, and as such, it didn't really offer me an awful lot of surprises or twists or turns. Even if I've only seen the story once, and that was years ago.

Anyway, I liked it. It's a good novelisation. It took me forever to actually make my way through it, granted (although it was the beginning that was excruciatingly slow; once I got going, I managed to finish it off on two separate days), but I shouldn't really blame the book for my own current inability to focus on, well, books.