A review by annereads2000
How to Make a Wish by Ashley Herring Blake


Like Blake states herself in her acknowledgments of this book, I needed this book. I needed it when I was younger, I need it now, and I will need it for years to come.
How to Make a Wish hit so close to home I was crying half the time and trying not to cry the other half of the time. Every character in this book is written so realistically that it's heartbreaking - because it might be made out to be a romance novel, but it's so much more than that. Grace's relationship with her mother Maggie was so real and even though my mother is no alcoholic, I still felt like parts of their relationship was so close to what I have with my mother. That 'I love you, but can I do this to myself?' kind of feeling - even if it's only sometimes you feel like that, it was incredibly relatable. Throw in Grace being bisexual and I'm in tears because this is ME.
I have never seen myself written on page quite so accurately before. Grace was me. Not because I look like her (I don't) but because everything about Grace was screaming my name.
And Eva? What a lovely girl. I fell in love with her just as much as Grace did. And their relationship? So realistic I AGAIN was crying because this is what f/f relationships are - especially at 17. And the way Eva's grief was handled was just beautiful and realistic.
The other characters such as Luca, Emmy (and to some extent Jay) stole my heart as well - in their own way. Jay surprised me, but Luca and Emmy were everything good and kind and I love them very much.
This book is so important. For a lot of different reasons. Someone you know might need this book just as much as I needed it.