A review by ashleyjapan
Well of Witches by J.A. White


What can I say about this series? I absolutely love it! I completely devoured this book in a couple of days and it was totally worth the one semi-sleepless night!
The world of the Thickety is fresh and horrific, and Kara fights through every challenge with an amazing combination of practical common sense and humor. She made some amazing character progress this book, and I'm loving where the storyline is going with Grace.

The one negative I took away from the book was an apparently out of character comment made by Taff to Grace, "I knew you were *bad* but I didn't realize you were such a girl" he says with some measure of disgust. Where did this come from??? Taff has been great at supporting the amazing female characters until now, why is he suddenly turned into a tiny misogynist? Is this something that is actually ingrained in his character and just hasn't come out before? I don't know but it really seemed like it didn't fit. In a book that seems so pro-girls, this line left me wondering at what message is really coming across here. I'm hoping it was a slip up, but it's a disappointing one nonetheless.

However, when all is said and done, I really did love this book so it's a happy five stars from me! The next book can't come fast enough!