A review by guerrillabooks
In Pursuit of the Proper Sinner by Elizabeth George


Couple things.
I selected this book while feeling nostalgic about mysteries while browsing the abundantly stocked shelves of a new (to me) used book store. Moving through the genre-d shelves I reminisced about how Nancy drew mysteries were the first novels I got into as a kid and I remember a scene from 2nd grade, sitting in the classroom at school with a Nancy drew in tow.
I have about a hundred pages left in this book but the past few days, I found myself trying to binge the rest just to be done with the book so that I can move on to something more meaty and enjoyable. So I guess bottom line is, the book isn’t bad, it isn’t poorly written either, it is what it is… and it just doesn’t grab me. Characters feel thin… and this might be the result of choosing book 10 in a long book series, that thing that happens with serialized drama where you have to sit through so many extra hours to get a sense of the characters depth? Character development often seems to me to be problematic.