A review by tbr_the_unconquered
An Everywhere: A Little Book About Reading by Heather Reyes


The adage ‘Live every day as if it were your last’ does not carry much weight for a lot of people. It is just another pointer on how to live your life better for a lot of us. But as I was reading this book (it is not one of the best in this genre but still a good one), there emerged the story of a creative individual weighed down by the diagnosis of a mortal disease. Heather Reyes, a writer and teacher was in the final leg of her planning a trip to France with her partner when she was diagnosed with Cancer. This book chronicles four months in her life after she accepts the inevitability of the diagnosis and plans to live her life to the fullest with the aid of the best tool ever : books.

From the title of the book itself it becomes clear as to how much the author is in love with reading. She traces the time from her childhood to her current position in society as an author and a teacher and how all along the way, books have paved the path for her to move forward. In the course of the memoir, literature emerges as a factor essential to her survival than a hobby or an obsession.As the memoir progresses, she speaks little of her battle with cancer and more of her passion for literature which is strong enough to flow across the gap between the book and its reader. Take a look at this :

Yes, everyone should have lots and lots of books ! Just as World Music has hugely enriched the soundscape of contemporary music of all kinds, so we can all build richer selves by opening our minds to as many ‘differences’ as possible.

This is a point she offers in support of the fact that people should read more of books with opposing points of view. This to let them later distill out the truth behind these points and to arrive at logical conclusions of stated facts.

The one point I did note was that she did not focus too much on the genre of fiction outside the classical canon. You will find references to Nabokov, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Woolf, Zola and countless other authors of the canon but not even a single author of the genre of popular fiction makes an appearance. Towards the end of the book, there was a stray reference to Stephen King but he appeared almost apologetic as someone who had wandered into the wrong room.

It is a pleasant little book. Full of sunshine, a never ending passion for the book and hope that never dies. When towards the end of the book, Reyes announces that she has a remission then you do feel like cheering. You sometimes come across your teachers from the past with whom you sit down and converse and they take you back in time and fill you with a strong dose of nostalgia. Heather Reyes knows that magic too. Try it out.

Ever wondered why this book is named so ? Here is the answer :

…Reading as an escape from those limiting conditions. But not as escape from life;as escape into life – a wider, richer, more complex and rewarding life. Drawing life into one little room, into one little head. As much life as possible. Making one little room ‘an everywhere’.