A review by tome15
Dark Side of the Moon by V.R. Tapscott


Tapscott, V. R. Dark Side of the Moon. Jane Bond No. 2. Kindle, 2019.
There are at least two ways a novel can earn three stars from me: it can be ambitious and miss the mark in some significant way, or it can have modest goals but accomplish most of them. The novels in the Jane Bond series are that second sort. There is not much new here, but it has some breezy dialogue, a few good genre ideas, and the plot and characters stay within bounds, if just barely. Jane Bond, a small-town librarian and amateur geologist, sent her alien AI back to his mothership in the outer solar system. But he left some going away presents: a home-built spaceship and a spin off AI to pilot it. Naturally, Jane and her friends head to the Moon to look for more pieces of the alien mothership, but it turns out that is not such a good idea. Light but fun.