A review by sioranth
How to Fake It with a Fae by Amy Boyles


Major spoilers ahead.

This is fantasy CR and set in Tennessee. Witches and fae mostly.

FMC's grandmother (and family matriarch) dies on the same night FMC gets dumped by the BF she thought was going to propose.

Immediately, her family is like "arranged marriages and babies STAT to save our waning family magic." And all the daughters (7 of them) are like, "we shall have balls to find husbands and make babies to save our magic!"

Mourning the grandmother literally never happens.

Enter MMC. First wife died due to no fault of FMC's family but it happened inside their shop. So, he wants to ruin them. Arranged marriage, not the love of his life.

FMC and MMC get fake engaged and activate some kind of rare "joining magic" that necessitates forced proximity and conjures extreme horniness whenever they touch.

Some okayish stuff happens while they fall in love and he helps her find her missing magic. She saves his little cousin's life.

Enter the Scorned Ex-GF who tricks FMC into giving MMC a gift which is connected to his first wife's death. He, of course, never gives her a chance to explain, assumes the worst (even though she *saved his cousin's life*), and she rolls over like a whipped dog and doesn't "see the point" in trying to explain. Then, after this huge fight, they *immediately fuck* to break the magic binding them together (sex is the only way to break it). So depressing and stupid I didn't even read the spice.

He goes all scorched earth and burns her family's shop (and livelihood) to the ground, literally, getting his "revenge" for his first wife's death.

Seven stupid sisters start up the bride balls again.

Meanwhile, a *male* wizard trapped in a mirror, who MMC has never met but somehow automatically trusts (even though fae and witches/wizards have been at odds for centuries), tells him how FMC was duped by Ex-GF. Sister #2 convinces FMC that MMC burned down their shop because he *loves* her and he was just *so hurt.* (My eyes rolled so hard I had to go chase them down the hall before I could continue.)

MMC realizes he's a dick since a bro mansplained it to him. He rebuilds the shop good as new. (Yay!) She *thanks* him for rebuilding the shop and is oh-so-understanding about his tantrum. She professes her love for him, tells him how sorry she is (gag), etc.

He does say he's sorry and how another dude "helped him see" that she was tricked by his ex. Whatever.

Then they get married. Barf. Six months later she's ready to pop out the required baby to keep the magic going. *Go. Her.* Nana comes back from the dead to make sure the next sister gets married.

Another fun tidbit was at the Solstice ball where women aren't "allowed" to decline any man that asks them to dance because it's "bad luck."

This book just made me so mad.