A review by libra17
Virtue Signaling and Other Heresies: Selected Writings from Whatever 2013-2018 by John Scalzi


I took Virtue Signaling out of the library a few weeks ago when I happened to notice the quote on the inside cover while browsing the display of new books:

'Virtue signaling' is a phrase the dim and bigoted use when they want to discount other people expressing the idea that it would be nice if we could all be essentially and fundamentally decent to each other. - John Scalzi

I picked up the book and decided it was coming home with me right then.

Virtue Signaling is a book of selected posts from Scalzi's blog, called Whatever. I do not read Whatever, have no familiarity with Scalzi's writing beyond Fuzzy Nation (which I read earlier this year), and actually had no idea that he even existed before that. That being said, I went into Virtue Signaling having no idea just how much I would enjoy the kind of frank, thoughtful style has in his nonfiction writing/commentary. This is a book that I ended up purchasing for myself, just so I could highlight the passages and even entire essays that really resonate with me. I really loved this book. It is something I would be happy to recommend to others, and Scalzi is an author that I am very likely to further explore.