A review by danwyn
We Could Be Heroes by Philip Ellis


I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
This book was very different than I expected! To clarify, it is very much a cute romance with an actor and a drag queen as the main love interests, but this baby has layers! The actor MC, Patrick Lake, is playing a Captain America-esque superhero called Captain Kismet, and through the course of his romance with Will, the drag queen, there’s a parallel story about the queer writer and illustrator who created the character Patrick is now embodying. I found all of the characters really interesting. Will and Patrick were both compelling in their own right, but I’d be lying if I said I felt the romance was equally as compelling. The chemistry wasn’t entirely absent. I just found myself waiting for a moment between them that would really grab me and convince me they needed to be together. It was cute, and the other elements of the plot kept my interest enough that I was able to overlook the places I thought the romance was lacking. There is one moment of conflict towards the end that didn’t work for me. I think I understand what Ellis was trying to do with the character in that scene, but I’m not sure the execution worked. It felt forced. Not enough to ruin the book for me, but definitely bumped it down a bit when I was deciding on my rating. All of that said, I thought Ellis’ writing style really worked in this book. I haven’t read anything else by this author, but I would definitely pick up something by him in the future becauseI thought the story had a lot going for it and a lot of potential in the parts that didn’t quite connect with me.