A review by casanovamacleod
Ward Nine: Coronavirus: One Woman's Story by Alys Morgan


I would like to thank Netgalley and Parthian Books for allowing me the chance to read the book free of charge in exchange for a honest review. I am also so sorry it took me a little time to actually review it. December is of course a busy month for most people and I fell in that category. I am finally reviewing it though and that's all that matters.

I got emotionally attached to the book straight away in the forward. It mentions how scary it could be for a nurse treating covid patients. That had me tearing up ever so slightly, not as much as further on but enough to get me emotionally attached.

I have to make a comment on how the book was laid out. It was laid out as a diary, this made it so much more easier to read for me personally.

In the first part of the book, the life she had before the virus I found it extremely interesting how she included the parts about the libraries shutting. She also made her first mention of the war, this becomes a regular occurrence which I fine remarkable.

I really enjoy reading other people experiences of nearly anything because I find it interesting. This book in particular opened my eyes a lot more to the Coronavirus and they was already open to begin with.

I liked the inclusion of snippets from Daniel Defoe's book A Journal Of The Plauge Year. I is shocking how the two pandemics are so similar. I have also added that book to my TBR because I enjoyed the snippets so much.

If you like reading about peoples experiences and don't mind a possibly tear jerking experience I would highly reccomend this book.