A review by sparklingreader
Hellsbane by Paige Cuccaro


The main character, Emma Jane Hellsbane, can sense emotions. That, along with her degree in psychology give her background she needs to be a phone-in psychic and advisor. When an old high school acquaintance, Tommy James, knocks on her door she is a little confused. They were never friends in high school. He was Mr. Popularity and she…wasn’t. He arrives sporting a gruesome wound and carrying a huge sword dripping with something black and tarry. When a demon disguised as the postman enters her home and attacks Tommy, she grabs the dropped sword and uses it to dispatch the demon. She thought she was doing a good thing in saving Tommy’s life. She had no clue she was ruining hers.

In using the sword, she’s now been marked as an illorum, half angel and half human. As a Chosen, she receives a few new gifts – not aging, the ability to heal and move faster, fight, read emotions and sense the Fallen. She's joined in a new battle of good vs. evil.

I really liked Emma Jane. She’s witty, stubborn, and a survivalist. Tommy is her perfect partner and Eli, the angel who is her mentor, is…interesting. What I didn’t like were the constant references to God and faith, almost to the point of being a religious novel. I understand they were necessary to some point, but they seemed to go overboard, especially in the beginning. I get the whole “sins of the father” aspect, but there were times when I had to stop and say “really?” I also did not like…(please do not read the spoiler if you don’t want to know)
Spoilerthe death of Tommy. Really bummed me out.

Hellsbane is an interesting urban fantasy. The world building is well done, the characters well crafted. The story is unique and different. As pointed out above, there were things I liked (the characters and world building) and things I didn’t (almost overboard on the religious aspects), but beyond that, it was a decent story. If you like urban fantasies with angels and good vs. evil story lines, then pick this one up and give it a try.