A review by angiemcmann
In Wolves' Clothing by Greg Levin


Holy crap this book! Hail to the King Author of dark topics!
Admittedly I was hesitant to delve into Mr. Levin’s new nightmare topic – child sex trafficking. But I read it in good faith because I'd read his other novels and enjoyed them. Don’t let the subject scare you away from this novel. Mr. Levin handles it with sensitivity and solemnity, and yes, humor. We get to see into the life of Zero, whose career is to go undercover to find and bring children to safety. Knowing that we are reading about something that happens in the real world is disturbing enough, so I was thankful this was written without gruesome unnecessary details. We clearly knew what was happening without the shock factor. Zero is an absolute mess of a human being but he is endearing and relatable all the same. Even though the topic is sickening, G.L. did it justice. He managed to sprinkle in some well-placed humor in this dark world as well, while shedding light on a truly dreadful matter. Even if this isn’t your favorite genre, go read it! You won’t be sorry.