A review by mjennings17
Black Lies by Alessandra Torre


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6 Mind Blowing Stars

“Go ahead. Judge me. You have no idea what my love entails. I love two men. I fuck two men. If you think you've heard this story before, you haven't”

This book... WOW!!!! I am speechless and confused. I am Shocked and Awed. I have a HUGE book hangover and I don't know where to begin.

“I will fight for this love. Lie for it. Steal for it. It is worthy of that.”

You HAVE to read this book. This story is freaking GENIUS! This author did something that rarely happens, she stumped me. I had no idea what this would turn into. I had had so many questions while reading this and was confused in some parts but it all came together and I was blown away!

“This love is worth the unsaid truths. The hidden lies.”

Lana is one of my favorite heroines I've read about. She was tough and smart. Her love for both these men was so strong. I felt for her and both men.

“When you really love someone, you cannot walk away. No matter what they do. No matter the lies from their mouth, or the actions from their bodies, you tie yourself tightly to their sail and vow to be there through thick and thin. Let the wind blow you where it may. Even if that place is a crash. Even if that place tears you apart and kills anything good.”

This book was just a complex and mind fucking read. I highly recommend this book. Like I said...  photo fucking-genius-o.gif