A review by katsbooks
Yes, I'm Hot in This: The Hilarious Truth about Life in a Hijab by Huda Fahmy

funny lighthearted reflective fast-paced


This collection of webcomics was a hoot. I've followed this artist on Instagram for a long time before I ever realized she had a book. I actually read both of her other books before reading her titular work. (Her IG handle is @yesimhotinthis) I found this collection of comics to be just as charming, witty and thoughtful as her other work. I knew I would love it going in. I love the art style and the format was really intriguing. Each chapter was a different collection of comics so there was a general theme for each chapter but no overarching plot. Fahmy is the queen of short, to-the-point humor. This would be a fantastic addition to your coffee table so all of your friends (or you) can flip through it randomly for a quick laugh or a good conversation starter.