A review by annareadshere
Love in the Aisles by Heather Van Fleet, Jessica Calla


Oh my god, I loved everything about this book. I sat down to read it and devoured it in a few hours. While a closed-door romance, it made up for all the things that happened behind closed doors.

It’s set in a small town in Georgia, with a single mother who is just trying to make a good life for her kid without being judged and harassed by all the old biddies in town. Charlotte Dawson is doing her best to live a good life after her husband passed away, leaving her alone in this town where she’s not from - but where he was considered a freaking hero! - and dealing with all the locals who are happy to judge and question her motives and every move she makes. Enter the new guy, Ian Cleary. His stepdad owns the grocery store where he’s working as a bag man. But actually, he’s just keeping a low profile and hiding out from Los Angeles and everything that encompasses Hollywood.

Charlotte and Ian have the most entertaining and adorable encounters right from their meet-cute all the way till the end. Of course Ian’s in hiding and he’s completely changed the way he looks, so nobody really connects him to his Hollywood alter-ego. And Charlotte, like any woman standing in front of a hot Hollywood actor, is flustered all the time. She’s either dropping things or crashing into other things and making it really entertaining to watch. Ian, for the most part, is just smitten with Charlotte. Yes, insta-love is the main trope in this book, but you know what makes it not so annoying? Everything else. Their relationship is perfect, because both Ian and Charlotte have these secrets that they’re trying to come to terms with before they let someone else into their lives. That just makes you appreciate their instant attraction.

What was an interesting turn of events was having these old ladies be the bullies instead of women Charlotte’s age. But good god, those women were AWFUL. Every time they appeared, I wanted to punch them. I also mentally encouraged Ian to punch them every time they insulted Charlotte in front of him. Tsk tsk, biddies.

All in all, an easy and romantic read. The two leads were so interesting and slightly complicated. And their relationship just seemed to flow so well. I hope we get to see more about Laila, because she seemed to have something interesting going on on the side!

Thanks to NetGalley, Xpresso Book Tours and the authors for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.