A review by crystalbristol
Friday Night Lights: A Town, a Team, and a Dream by Buzz Bissinger


I'm just not sure how I felt about this book. I picked it up after my summer obsession with the television show, so I felt fairly familiar with the culture of high school football in West Texas.
I really liked the parts of the book that focused on the lackluster academics in the high schools in contrast to the incredibly well-funded athletics program. I loved being able to recognize who the characters in the television show were loosely based upon (Boobie being a combo of Jason Street and Smash Williams, Mike definitely an inspiration for Matt Saracen). The overt racism was horrific and sad.
On the other hand, some parts were fairly dry and tough to get through. I found myself glazing over a little with the talk of the oil fields and rich Texans losing their money.
I would recommend this to adults, not teenagers, just because of how dry the book gets in some places.