A review by talesofaliteraryaddict
Becoming by Michelle Obama


“Since childhood, I’d believed it was important to speak out against bullies while also not stooping to their level. And to be clear, we were now up against a bully”.
Michelle Obama is one of the most well respected, well put together, graceful and dignified women in the world. Her husband? Well he was just a man she mentored one day who happened to be the future forty fourth president of the United States. I respect the Obama’s not for what they have managed to change but for what they haven’t. They have always been this humble and kind, striving for a better life for all. Michelle may not have liked her husbands decision to go into politics but she made the right movements when they got there. Between them they made the US a better place. Now tell me please, how the hell do you go from a respectable family to the devil incarnate?