A review by berad89
Landwhale: On Turning Insults Into Nicknames, Why Body Image Is Hard, and How Diets Can Kiss My Ass by Jes Baker


Landwhale by Jes Baker is about her struggle to learn to accept her body as it is and love it. She challenges the norms of skinny equals healthy and Diet Culture. She preaches learning to love yourself because you are you and all you get.
The full title of this book is Landwhale: On Turning Insults into Nicknames, Why Body Image is Hard, and How Diets Can Kiss My Ass. I love the message this book sends. Be yourself, love yourself, don't let anyone stick you in a box, challenge the norms, and don't let anyone tell you what you can and cannot do. It is a much needed message in today's society where normal women often are not portrayed. I also love Jes pointing out that skinny does not necessarily mean healthy. As someone who was once a stick, I feel a lot better now having gained 40 pounds than I ever did at a size 0.
While I love the message this book sends, its set up is random and rambling at points. The constant postscripts felt like a horrible Easter egg hunt. Reading this book on a Kindle was difficult as the format did not match up to the postscripts, and I had to hunt them down. Once I found them, they were often times a page long themselves. Please just add it to the story itself if you feel it is necessary.
Landwhale by Jes baker will be published May 8, 2018. It is a memoir/self help book. The publisher is Persus Books, Da Capo Press.
I give this book 3 out of 5 stars. I love the message but did not like the set up. It was frustrating. I recommend this book to anyone with body image issues.
I want to thank NetGalley and Persus Books, Da Capo Press for giving me a free e-book copy in exchange for my honest review.