A review by bluebeereads
Joni, Underway by Kelly Oram, Jonathan Harrow


Istyria book blog ~ B's world of enchanted books

Wow. I mean... Wow. I love Kelly Oram, you know that if you've payed attention to this blog. She's one of my all time favorite authors and is waaaay on top of my author autobuy list next to Victoria Schwab, Marissa Meyer, Sarah J. Maas and Leigh Bardugo. But this book... it was soooo much more than I expected. This was perfection, guys.

Joni's life is good. She loves being an adult, living the college-life. She just finished her first year and will never again be called a freshmen. But then her brother dies in an accident and everything changes. Joni struggles to cope with the loss, guilt and anger she's feeling. The meddling of her friends and family isn't helping either. Then she gets the chance to go on the trip her brother had been planning and looking forward to for ages before he died. When she steps onto the sailboat called Lady Marguerite, the real adventure starts. The journey across the Atlantic Ocean with a small eccentric crew and the young, very handsome, very kind Captain Reid will mark the real beginning of her adult life.

Although, yes, I'm a major Kelly Oram fan, this book was very different from what she usually writes. It's an adult book for starters. Well, not that adult. It's New Adult, but clean. Perfectly safe for minors to read. (And they should, just saying...) It's also co-written with her real life husband, which is awesome! Joni, Underway is what I like to call a quiet book. It tells a simple story without any unnecessary drama. Some people may find it boring, but I was so engrossed, I read it in one sitting. At night. Resulting in me having very few hours of sleep yet again. It's so beautifully written and the story is so uplifting, heartbreaking and swoon-worthy all at once. Yes, there are quite a few sad moments that made me tear up. But there are also moments I can't help but smile and laugh. And there are moments my heart just melts.

What I've always loved the most about Kelly's books are her characters. She always manages to create such realistic, fun and extremely likeable characters. I loved everyone in this book, however small their role was. The crew is just fantastic. Gordon, Murray, Star, Yvonne, Jim,... They're all so awesome! And oh my god, Reid. Oh Captain, my Captain. (You'll understand why I put in that reference when you've read the book.) He's so hot but also so kind and caring and awesome and I looooove him. I also loved Joni and I could relate to her a lot. She goes on quite the journey in this book and I loved following her every step of the way. Their romance is also quite perfect. Not too fast, not too slow. And the ending came way too soon. Like always with Kelly's books.

Joni, Underway is definitely a must-read for Kelly Oram fans. But also for all contemporary fans. It's a fun, sweet, emotional, heartbreaking and uplifting story that I loved very, very much. So go read it. Seriously.


This review is also (or -soon- will be) posted on Istyria book blog.