A review by gerireads
Something Worth Saving by Chelsea Landon


3.5 stars!

Came in to this book without any expectations and ended up enjoying this story.

It's no secret that I love romances involving already-married couples. In the case of Jace and Aubrey, living together with two kids. They're very committed to each other and their family but like any family, cracks are showing in their relationship.

For one, Aubrey is now doubting Jace's love and commitment since he never really did ask Aubrey to marry him even though she wants to. Jace on the hand, didn't think Aubrey would want marriage considering her unfortunate childhood. This story is very much about Jace and Aubrey's journey as a couple. Jace is a firefighter and I really liked how this story delved into that and how it mirrors Jace and Aubrey's issues.

I also liked that the issues are not all external, although, there are external factors trying to keep them from each other. But it's also more than that. We also get a glimpse of Jace's relationship with his fellow firefighters and Aubrey's circle of friends.

So why not a solid four?

Well, the writing style didn't work for me. If it hadn't been for the compelling story of Jace and Aubrey, I wouldn't be able to finish this book. But the characters hooked me, so I soldiered on and actually ended up enjoying myself.