A review by kelleemoye
Dark Life: Book 1 - Audio by Kat Falls


4.5 stars
Really enjoyed this one! Cannot wait to read the next one.

Student Review:
The book Dark Life is a great book that everyone should read. Ty got into trouble that might effect his entire life. He was born underwater and he finds out that he is different... maybe special. This book is breathtaking, suspenseful, and dark. I recommend this book to anyone because it's an awesome book in many aspects and it keeps people on their toes as well as it creates tension. –Brad D., 8th grade 16-17

Student-Created Playlist for Dark Life:
Dun Dun Duuun - when Ty encounters Shade
Hallelujah chorus-When ty and Gemma kissed
Flipper theme song When they called for dolphins to take them to the sea floor
The twilight Zone- the lights turn off, when it's dark in general
Can't touch this- When Ty escape from Sade