A review by thebarandthebookcase
On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong


Ocean Vuong is a revelation. I struggled trying to come up with a review for this book because I feel that my thoughts could never do it justice. But I guess I must try in hopes that one of you picks this up. I will keep it short and sweet: The novel is a letter from a Vietnamese writer to his illiterate mother, thus representing a therapeutic reconciliation with himself and the traumas of his family’s past. This is a poetic, beautiful debut novel, exhibiting a masterful use of language with care and nuance. I feel that this is an instant classic, one that should be read by anyone who loves great literature. Please read this book.

Side note: if I didn’t sell you on picking this up immediately, I implore you to watch Vuong’s discussion with Jacqueline Woodson at The Strand bookstore, available on YouTube. Not only is his voice perfectly soothing, his insight made me teary-eyed and appreciate him and his work even more.