A review by the_fabric_of_words
The Vanished by Nic Stone


Squee! This one's printed in blue ink!!

Shuri and her best friend K'Marah are back for more high-tech mysterious action and adventure in Wakanda. Except the best-friends are fighting, struggling to balance what's expected by family (and the Queen) of both of them and their friendship.

K'Marah is concerned a friend of hers has disappeared. But Shuri has other concerns, like proving she's worthy of assuming the Throne, to devote much time to the mystery. This time, it takes a cracking-good girl hacker from the US to beat Shuri's computer defenses and convince her that there's a pattern to a series of kidnappings of super-smart girls around the globe.

A pattern that indicates... Shuri may be next on the kidnappers' list. But who wants to assemble the best girl minds of the world in one place, conveniently located just outside Wakanda?

A new baddie, that's who, who has no less than girl-powered world domination on the agenda. But when it looks like she won't be able to snag Shuri afterall, she goes for someone far more valuable -- K'Marah.

I won't spoil how it ends, or how Shuri and her new ally come to the rescue. This will make an excellent present under the tree! Enjoy.

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