A review by trin
Record of a Spaceborn Few by Becky Chambers


Thoughtful, moving, no real plot to speak of. I love Chambers' world, especially how humanity interacts with different alien cultures, and how those cultures react to humans -- we are not the Most Special People in the universe, for once, and it's very refreshing. But most of the heavy lifting in that regard was done in the prior two books. These books are sort of a series, and sort of a set of linked standalones, and this particular novel wouldn't hold up great on its own, I think. It has very little internal momentum; it's a quiet book. This is both good and bad: it made for a relaxing experience, though not an especially engaging one.

The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet is still the most fun in the series; A Closed and Common Orbit is the most intelligent and original. This book was nice.