A review by maerobles
Cream and Punishment by Susannah Nix


This is the first book I read from both Susannah Nix and the King Family series. I haven't heard a lot from her and I think this book has was a great way to be introduced to her and her books. Cream and Punishment is a light and fluffy read that discusses true to life issues like infidelities, divorce, and chronic illness. I love how Susannah tackled all of these in her book.

It started out slow and I didn't think it would take me this long to read it because I'm so used to slow burn romances. What intrigued me about this book is that it is a second chance romance, I haven't read that many second chance romance and quite honestly, I didn't like it before. But this gives me a whole new perspective about the trope and I think I'm going to start reading more books about it.

If you're a new reader, learning the English language through books, or if you're just looking to expand your vocabulary, this would be a perfect book for you. It has a lot of uncommonly used words and they would add to your vocabulary knowledge. You have to ready your dictionary because it was quite a lot. and I've never used most of those words before but it was really easy enough to understand based on the context

It was quite confusing at first because of the dysfunctional family they have but you get used to it. I love every character's back story and eventually, their character development and how they handled every issue that they have. It's safe to say that I'm going to expect more of Susannah Nix's works, it has been amazing to discover little gems like this.