A review by carleeiigh
Nightwing: The Great Leap by Peter J. Tomasi


Not the best, but certainly an entertaining Nightwing so far. I loved Dicks' character (though he's not as chatty as the Year One volume was) and the entire story with Harvey Dent. Love that they include aspects of their relationship from Robin Year One. Good art, no egregious anatomy that I noticed in a quick read through. Loved Alfred's little appearance, too as always.

Complaints are more my problem - but the tie-ins to Batman RIP are minimal but still pretty vague. Bruce is gone but Dick doesn't seem to have a problem with it at all. No Robin to be seen either despite his trip to the Cave. Also there's the same thing of him being too busy with hero stuff to be a good boyfriend, which is tiresome. Still, loved the mainline story.