A review by pushingdessy
Ten Myths about Israel by Ilan Pappé

informative reflective slow-paced


My first approach to the war against Palestine was “Freedom is a constant struggle” (2015), a collection of essays by Angela Davies that I picked up a couple of years ago to learn more about prison abolitionism. Then I read some more about Palestine on the website decolonizepalestine.com, which I highly recommend for some fast facts and plenty of sources.

So, my introduction to the topic is very recent - South American education is as Western-centric as in the North, and as much as I’d love to know about all the history of the whole wide world, I also tend to find history books hard to get through.

I don’t think you have to do any required reading in order to unequivocally say genocide and state violence are bad, always and everywhere. And yet that still seems like an opinion you have to justify somehow. (Especially painful in a country THAT LIVED THROUGH THAT like mine, imo…) But there are also plenty of (often bigoted) arguments that people repeat in order to deny Palestinian freedom.

Ilan Pappé, an Israeli Jew, structures this book around ten of these myths and examines their historical origins, their repercussions today and what kind of solutions could actually achieve peace.

I think this text was very accesible overall, and a good entry point for anyone looking to expand their knowledge, challenge propaganda and push back against Islamophobia and antisemitism equally. My digital copy is FULLY highlighted, because it’s really packed with valuable info. Highly recommended!