A review by i_hype_romance
In Her Shadow by Kristin Miller


A huge thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with an ARC of this title in exchange for an honest review.

In a Manderley world ruled by a secretive Bluebeard, one woman must ensure her survival.

No one will tell the truth about Joanna. And then a body is uncovered in the imposing grove of trees across from Colleen's new home.

When Colleen's boyfriend Michael whisks her away to his palatial estate, she is excited and overhwelmed. Everyone she meets seems hostile - especially the staff. They all adored the enigmatic forner mistress and continue to go through the routines she prescribed. Colleen is made to feel both inferior and inadequate - a poor sbsitite to the perfection of Michael's ex-wife.

The palatial estate is full of locked rooms she is forbidden to enter. The upscale neighborhood is a hotbed of secrets and trysts. The world she is now a part of is rife with deception and subterfuge that Colleen did not expect. She is left floundering - questioning the truth of everything he thought she knew.

I loved this suspense novel with its allusions to DuMaurier's Rebecca, and found many similarities in the self-effacing demenaor of the two heroines. It kept me guessing to the very end,