A review by bennought
Baudolino by Umberto Eco


While I enjoyed the book, at points it was simply too rambling and ridiculous. I recognize that Eco was trying to tackle a difficult set of concepts (writing a story that is being told to the 'author,' who is recounting it; tackling Medieval conceptions of the world and theology; relativity of truth v. fiction), but often I simply found character decisions or attitudes a bit implausible. Until the very end, it didn't seem that any of the main characters had any malice towards each other, or towards the world in general (saving, of course, Frederick). "Baudolino" is a very fun book to read, especially with respect to the crazy stuff about the world that people believed (or were willing to believe) back then. But as amusing as the imagined races of the citizens of the realm of Prester John were, they mostly fell flat as individual characters--and their debates over doctrinal minutiae became too long-winded and annoying. It is definitely worth a read by fans of the High Middle Ages or Umberto Eco, just be prepared for sections where you are a little bored or just don't care about what is going on.