A review by jackieorlowski
Toning for Teens: The 20 Minute Workout That Makes You Look Good and Feel Great by Joyce L. Vedral


This book is a great way to encourage vulnerable teens to develop eating disorders. There is no reason to be telling teenagers to be worrying about getting rid of cellulite, fearing "fat", or getting an "terrific body" in 12 weeks. The messaging of reprimanding a body that is "soft and flabby" and praising one that is "firm and toned" is exactly why we are facing this epidemic where 1 person dies every hour from an eating disorder. This is so damaging for so many reasons. This book is teaching young women (and men I assume) that your size is a factor in your worth and that looking good is a priority. If we taught them instead to treat themselves with LOVE instead of PUNISHMENT, they wouldn't end up in a battle between "good" food and "bad" food, restriction, self loathing, and a lifetime of doubt. Encouraging anyone to eat 15-20g of fat is ridiculous, even bodybuilders trying to attain sub 10% body fat are eating more than that. That's like 1 serving of cheese and 1 serving of peanut butter. This book contributes to a culture of women who are obsessed with how their bodies look for other people, rather than truly caring for themselves and encouraging others. STOP TEACHING YOUNG WOMEN TO HATE THEIR BODIES.