A review by sethsparksss
White Teeth by Zadie Smith


3.5/5 I had to read this for one of my classes and I enjoyed it so much more than I thought I would! I loved Zadie Smith's writing, humor, and excellent, sharp dialogue. It's full of poignant moments and symbolism of history, past, and family. I loved the various perspectives and diversity represented in this book as well from cultures, religions, and sexuality.

The characters, relationships, and family dynamics were so fleshed out and felt real. This is one of the novels strengths, but also to its own detriment at times. This book switches focus from character to character therefore meaning some characters almost disappear and are rarely seen afterawhile despite all the time spent with them earlier. Sometimes at the cost of a character I didn't really care for. Still I appreciated all these characters complexities and faults. Irie Jones was my absolutely favorite and wish we got to spend more time with her.

The book did feel drawn out and overwritten at times, and started dragging towards the end for me. But all-in-all I throughly enjoyed this book and took so many different things out of it.