A review by j_j_catcrazydragon
Dragon Marked by Jaymin Eve


2.5⭐️ DNF 42%. YA

I tried.
I tried skimming and skipping. Just couldn’t get fully into it.
It wasn’t bad exactly, just too young.
I was expecting something very different. Despite the occasional swearing, allusions to sex and violence, it felt very YA.
The characters were meant to be around 22, but read like somewhere between 17-19, and sheltered, immature versions at that.

Plus the writing felt disjointed and choppy at times. Though that could just be a stylistic choice, plus a result of the younger character interactions and behaviour …?

Seriously didn’t enjoy the stereotypical gender portrayals and allusions.
Women were either image obsessed, sex obsessed, or bitchy-tough-nuts… Suppose it could have been worse (of course, all thinner builds were sexually unappealing, and unattractive, real women must have abundant curves