A review by gaderianne
Tara Road by Maeve Binchy


While this book was well-written and captivating (to a certain extent), I was very disappointed in this book. I wasn't disappointed with the writing, or the story line (it lagged a little in the beginning but drew me in about half way through), but in overall ending. In short, this story of a man and women who build their dream house on Tara Road (while he is successively cheating on her without her knowing until about 3/4 of the way through the book) until their marriage comes to an end. I kept hoping as I was reading this book that the wife - Ria - would have a great awakening, find herself, and find true happiness. I know - not realistic. But nor do I think it is realistic to continue loving (and being so not angry) towards her serial cheating husband. In the end, this book just made me sad and angry....but not in a way that benefited me or my life. I just didn't get anything out of this book.