A review by books_nooks_spooks
Swan Song by Robert R. McCammon


The prospect of picking up Swan Song was incredibly daunting and it gave me horrible The Stand flashbacks (I really despise that book) did I really want to invest in another epic apocalyptic tale after my last experience went so horribly? If anyone else has the same question then I can tell you YES. You want to invest. I truly get it now. Whilst the story is intense, the writing is in no way intimidating and this is a remarkably easy read despite the size of the book appearing overwhelming. It’s a fully immersive experience and never has the phrase ‘get lost in a book’ been more appropriate. Some writers just have this amazing ability to really bring their characters to life and that’s certainly something Robert McCammon achieves here. Not only that, he pulls you into their world so you can feel how each experience impacts them and there was definitely some moments that hit different.

There were a few small gripes for me. The first being the sheer volume of characters. Whilst the main and even the secondary characters were great, I felt like we stumbled into one too many ‘extras’ but that’s definitely a personal preference as I don’t like to be bombarded with too many people. In books and life