A review by sgall75
The Wanderer by


I read the blurb for 'The Wanderer' and knew straight away I had to read it. I wasn't disappointed. It's a bittersweet love story between a ghost and the living school girl he loves. Unfortunately, she has no idea he even exists.

Ryder died five years ago in an accident and has been a 'wanderer' ever since, after staying with his family and not going on to the afterlife as he should. He finds his existence beyond the grave to be lonely and depressing, despite having a friendship with fellow ghost, Jade. His only moments of fleeting happiness occur when those on the brink of death 'see' him, providing him with a moment of vindication. It's during one of his visits to the hospital seeking the dying, that Ryder discovers Maggie. He finds himself drawn to her and becomes increasingly desperate to spend time with her. His actions become more dangerous and he finds himself in a situation where he knows he has to let Maggie go in order to save them both from broken hearts.

I adored the characters of Ryder and Maggie and watching their love for each other develop was heart breaking at times. I wanted to shake him when you could see how his actions would affect Maggie. You really feel for poor Ryder who is so torn by his feelings for Maggie and his desire to do the right thing. I liked how the book dealt with the aftermath of grief and how it affects both individuals and families.

This was such a hauntingly sweet love story and a wonderful debut. Thank you to Netgalley and firefly press for giving me the opportunity to read an arc in return for an honest review.