A review by halthemonarch
Any Way the Wind Blows by Rainbow Rowell


My goodness, I was expecting a reconciliation but jeez louise!!! Rowell does it again. This baby reads like a fanfic and follows around our magical darlings, just like the last two. Book two was shorter and angstier than book one, so I was expecting a rough and tumble start, but it was smooth sailing, earnest conversations, and fluff for the entire first half. When the plot got rolling, I found myself invested but more invested in the couples, Shep and Penny, Naimh and Agatha, and Baz and Simon. The Smith Richards B plot (that tried really hard to be the A plot, but with all the cuteness and domesticity, it's clearly failed) kept me along for the last chapters. Deadass I forget what happens at the end, just that our gay dummies are happy and safe at the end. I love when los gibities get a win!